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Visit me on my another; www.forever-journals.bs.com


The name is ELY. Pronounced similar to Alley but I don't live in alleys and neither could I be found there. I'm in love with Century Gothic, Kristen ITC and Rage Italic. And, abit of Tahoma. They're famous, like obviously you'll know who they are. I'm a die-hard fan of White, Pink and Gray. Not much of Black. Chocolate and Cheese are my two best friends, they're always by my side whenever I need them. My greatest enemies are Liar, Backstabber, Hypocrite and Nag. I hate them alot. World would be sucha better place without them all.

bold underlined strikethrough italic


"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream
Ipod Touch
Cinema: Watch Legion
Part-time Sales Assistant Job
That Handbag from Prada
Your wishes here


cbox recommended.
preferred maximum width to be 200px.


Meet the people I love♥

friend friend friend friend
friend friend friend friend
friend friend friend friend
friend friend friend friend
friend friend friend friend


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

Disember 2009
Januari 2010
Februari 2010
Mac 2010
April 2010
Mei 2010



Layout Designer:

Ahad, 28 Februari 2010

Hy. Exam is no longer coming, heh? yeap. Boring, laptop ku esok kena tahan :/ . Ergh! Cuath bgi chan sedikit. e. Baidawei, wish me luck :)

Tadi my brother, Akmal is bali helicopter. HAHAH, helicopter mainan saja bh :/

Then kami makan sushi di expade sushi. SADAP YO! hahah~ Ingat ku pulg ASSE ah. Amin aku pass. Doakan, hahaha d; doaakan aku pass~ kalau kn tawu apa ASSE ane aga arh link2. Ada tu :D

Then akoh ke pesta buku. Nothing murah. Hehh :/ So I buy Dear dumb diary sama apakhtu nda ku ingat nama bukunya. Heheh xp Then aku nyasal wah. Kta Si Hayani di paul and elizabeth ada murh2! Hehh!

Tdi aku chat sma si ****** ah, palui ea atu! Krajanya bagi pak yo sja! WUY! NADA KRAJA LAINKH?? HAHA! NH .l. ! HAHA SASAK KU UDAH BHHH!

And, I met an awesome layouts! Rugget~ But I am too lazy too use that layout ;D Urmm, mlas ku gtau ey. HAHA

Heh, I decide to buln hadapan th ku post niah cave atoo. Ee, esuk lagi test computer. Tpksa th bca buku ne, heh! :/ Nh bye kn bca buku ku dulu*lambailambai ;D

-Im out

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:08 PG

Jumaat, 26 Februari 2010

Hey, it's 26 February. It's my little bro, Akmal Hamizan's bdayy! And we having a party, today :D

Uh, oh. Gmbr lma ne :p Mlas ku kn bluetooth gmbr baru ane nyamoo. HAHA d;

So today we have a big party :D Mum invite all of our cousin. Father's side and mother's side. Muahahaha. We play laptop inside my bedroom. And then I and my cousin, khairun go downstairs. Finally it's cake time. Haha :D Then I eat my soto. I and my cousins go outside and, what that's thing pop-pop? Owh, it's firefox!(bunga api, dnt knw what the spelling, heheh)It's so loud. Uh oh, my ears ;p Then my father's side cousin go home. I, Khairun and Myra go upstairs and play laptop. Myra read my diary "== Jan ko tumpis Myra ah! HAHAHA. And when it is day, I have a great chat with Fyfah, and now she have a blog! :D

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:36 PG

Isnin, 22 Februari 2010

Hy, mulai skarg I inactive MSN and FB, psal nda g bthh priksa knn :) msti lh alim2, mwahahahahah :p

Kmarin aku and atiqh kmasjid ari kbngsaan ;) siok. Kami smbhyg and jmpa silina. Ambg ea a :( kali kami bca yassin, lapas tu bruth si qilah dtg. Kami mrahi ;p then buweng mama surh blik ;(

Tadi pgi aku trus men laptop. My mom said were going 2 muara. Yeah. I take a pic of my little sista ;D

Imma out. ;D

♥our lips must always be sealed
10:07 PTG

Ahad, 21 Februari 2010

Tdi me and cuzzies go to pantai muara. Uda enoi bday, Happy bufday! :D We have a great day at there :) Playin at the water and I dnt remember what it's called in english, 'bjamur!' :D. And know, da photo. :D

And now, the bday card;





from: ur niece, ami :D

Still alum tepost pasl niah cave -.-, sowee baa

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:22 PG

Jumaat, 19 Februari 2010

this is like 99.9% true

1. Write the name of a person of the opposite gender.
2. Which is your favorite color out of red, black, blue, green, yellow?
3. Your first initial?
4. Your month of birth?
5. Which color do you like more, black or white?
6. Name of a person of the same gender as yours.
7. Your favorite number?
8. Do you like California or Florida more?
9. Do you like the lake or the ocean more?
10. Write down a wish (a realistic one).
Are you done?
If so, scroll down
(don’t cheat–i’m watching you)




1. You are completely in love with this person.

2. If you choose:
Red: You are alert and your life is full of love.

Black: You are conservative and aggressive.

Green: Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.

Blue: You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from
the ones you love.

Yellow: You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.

3. If your initial is:
A-K: You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.

L-R: You try to enjoy life to the maximum and your love life is soon to blossom.

S-Z: You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.

4. If you were born in:
Jan.-Mar.: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.

Apr.-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.

July-Sept.: You will have a great year and will experience a major life changing experience for the good.

Oct.-Dec.: Your love life will not be too great, but eventually you will find your soulmate.

5. If you choose…
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.

White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.

6. This person is your best friend.

7. This is how many close friends you have in a lifetime.

8. If you choose…
California: You like adventure.

Florida: You are a laid back person

9. If you choose…
Lake: You are loyal to your friends and your love. And you are very reserved.

Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.

10. This wish will come true only if you RE-POST THIS ON YOUR SITE in one hour and it will come true before your next birthday


These are 12 signs that you are falling in love….

12. You’ll read his/her IMS over and over again…

11. You’ll walk really really slow while you’re with him/her…

10. You’ll feel shy whenever you’re with him/her…

9. While thinking bout him/her…your heart will beat faster and faster…

8. By listening to his/her voice…you’ll smile for no reason.

7. While looking at him/her..you cant see the other people around you…you can only see that person…

6. You’ll start listening to SLOW songs.

5. He/She becomes all you think about.

4. You’ll get high just by their smell…

3. You’ll realize that you’re always smiling to yourself
when you think about them..

2. You’ll do anything for him/her…

1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time.

Now make a wish :
put this on your website as “The 12 signs of falling in love... :)” and something good will happen

heheh, weird O.o~ I dnt even understand itxD hbu? xp

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:47 PG

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Umph, bnrnya aku alum g te-post pasl gua niah ah. No prob. la. :D

Kmarin my dad kena telephone, ktanya Si Amal Hamizah kena interview esuk, ada program ke JAPANESE! Yea Im excited.

Then kamu tau apaa? Kirth di adakn di kulh biasa. Rupanya?? MAKTAB SOAS?? OMFG!

Uhh paluii "==. Then dtg th ku di soas ne. Bncii ku ihh. Laki2 tia lgi -.- Nasib adaizzah.sorng kulh SMJA laki2. Kali kna suruh buat essay! :D. Happy :D

Si Izzah kena interview. Then ada urg ckp, "Eshemen~" And That really paluixD Then aku g kena intervieww :)

Laps tu kn izzah balik. Boring aku seorg. Kali aku kena surh ke? DAPAN?? OMG! Laki2 lgi yg antr aku tdi. msa ku bjlan kena triaki "Phewitt~ Kmana ko dang??" and bnyk g lahh. paluii. Nasib my dad dtg. Uhuu~ syukur aku kulh masin. apakn>>>>

Awubh. nh game.

Mlas ku bha kn buat satuu game anixD. Tetagih2 dh?? Apakn aha :p

Bnr kn main game? Nh :-


Game knak2 xD biar tia ba. main ja ba :p

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:59 PTG

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Heyya. Juz for four days no update, I'm missing blogg-ing! HAHA. As you see, every single day, every news and every trouble can happen.

And this is :-

Tue - 7E come bck to schol. Yea :D.
Wed - Damn! no internet, no playing fb :(
Thur - I just checked www.killerjo.net and. dare to open that web. Dnt blame me :D
Fri - I buy my nokia 5320 Xpress music :D. Krgth ku upload picnya :]

And today ( which is saturday):-

Tdi aku lepak sma urg2 7E. And Si Amal Najihah sakai! :p Then kena pangil, ada senaman. Then CCA. Tired, you know "== Red cresent ne mngalihkn, sbr ku sbr xD. Then rehat. Then geo. Tdi teacher geo suruh kami ask our friend's job. Cali2 tdi kami ah :p. Msatu aku tnya si Bayhaqqi, "bapamu apa?" "manusia". HAHA :p. Sama tdi si Daniel tnya apa nama bni2 kn, urg lintas diluar pun dtnya nya. astaa~. Pling ku kcalian tem aku tnya si Waqi. "Waqi, bpamu kerja apa?.."Mosque officer"..."Apa? Mouse officer?"..."Kau ane!"... HAHA! :p Tdi I ada P.E, mula2 kmi main badminton skali skipping then talking. Tdi Si Syakirah tnya Najib,

Syakirah : Jib, pkai apa ko esuk?
Me : Bju saksayy
Syakirah : ASTAA~
Najib : Hmm
Syazwina : Bkambansja ko :P :p ;p
Me : spindat ja, HAHA.
Syakirah : Astaa~~
Najib : pkai baju mnutup aurat shaa.

HAHA. Pnyaluru aku atoo :p I like Saturday and I always like it. Syapis nda kulh tdi, alhamdulilh :p

And aku mau bgi tau pasal Thursday and Fri.

Thur :- Aku ne dapat website www.killerjo.net. Then aku buka. I wonder what will happen. Then ada tia tkluar. Tkajut matii ku tem atu. Want to know? Bukaa if you dare :D.

My fridayy :D :- My mom belikan me new mobile phone, Nokia 5230, express music :D. Then my mom bring me to da KFC to mkan. Nyaman~ :p then my dad bwa mama and me jalan2. Mula2 bli baju, then mcam2 lh.

Sebenarnya aku mau adakn game stiap kali post yg ku buat. I know you like games, ryte? HAHA :p But ari ane no post about game, because I want to show you my handphone

Actually my phone not red, but blue, wait I will show you :)

haha my face kacau :p

Ergh! Tem atu aku liat gmbr nokia 6760, gila matay lwa oh. Aku sukaa. Aku mau belii. Kalau iPhone sama nokia 6760, I prefer nokia 6760, gila ragat bnr wa, nh gmbrnya :

Ragat kan? Huhu xD kn membali ku ehh. jatuh cnta ku arah mb ane, HAHA :p

Esok ada Niah Cave expedition tower. Isnin update my profile. okkay :D

And I like long post so much. Sorray :D

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:24 PG

Sabtu, 6 Februari 2010

Im back. OMG! O'level result keluar today. My bungsu got 1'O. And my ngangah got berapa lupa ku dh, heheh. Kaka Yasmin got 7'O, CONGRATS KAKA! . Congrats ahhhh~ hehehehehehheheheheheheehhehe :) apakn, over, Haha.

Today ada CCA, kn? Stangh hurt and stangh happy*cheers ;D SINAGA, apaan. haha. Tdi ada senaman, actually I should hurt tdi, but Im start hurt when it is geo. periksa P.E tadii. Ciuk, apkn. This is my result

Push up - 17 times
Sit up - forgot
Step up - 29, hehe
Skipping - 40 kaliah :p

Then science ada optical Illusion, paning la I. huhux. be-poklen tane, aHaX2 vHaPa U t0h? HeHeX. Apaan. -.- Then masa ugama anak cgu dapat 7'O, CONGRATS. Tema kaseh $1.00 ah, mcm urg gila harta aku ah ;p. bye,

At last aku edit post ane, hehe. dripada 2 kali post, betul3? heee. Tabak bauta bna, bygkn, aku tngu2 30 minti ah,, nda ta jua dpat upload photo ane, bUdUh x)

Sicnerely(Wrong kh :p),
Amal Hamizah hurts :p

♥our lips must always be sealed
6:51 PG

Selasa, 2 Februari 2010


Happy bday to my fwen, fifah, hope you have nice day. dear

Byee. ( Lp lwbt)


♥our lips must always be sealed
5:22 PG

Isnin, 1 Februari 2010

Peeps. Today is Monday, kn? haha

Today Im playing with my darling ah, tiqahhhhh. Hehehehehheheheh ;p kuning ea ah, mnyalai2. astaaaaa~ "== bila ea cmatu atu ;p

B.M? IRK? Boringggg Computer? YAY! ;p haha. Tdi si syapis kna bgi txtbuk, kali txtbuknya nda blapis kn, kali ea ckap sapa mau tukr dgn akuu. Haha. Ea tnjuk arahku, kurang assemm ;p

Science? BUNSEN BURNER? * cm urg gla "== * ahahahahahhahahhah ;p kn tdi cgu pngil aku jdi assitsment, si syafiq goggleman. Sasak ku ey, haha ;p kena ucap waa

bye bye


♥our lips must always be sealed
2:23 PG